Here are the ones I offered:
- How I use my website: I presented a session during the infamous Connect 2018 conference in Niagara Falls. I talked about why I had to create a website, how it shaped my teaching today, and how it helped me connected with parents. Click here to find out more.
- SmartBoard training for beginners: This is an ongoing workshop I offer every year at the beginning of the school during one of our PED days for my colleagues.
- SmartBoard training for intermediates: I sometimes offer this workshop when my colleagues ask for. It happens during one of our PED days.
- Tech in my class: I offered this workshop at 2015 Cree School Board Regional Education Symposium. Out of all different workshops offered, this one was the most anticipated. Due to space was given, only 30 people were able to attend. Click here to see the brochure. I simply just talked about how I use technology in my teaching.
Here are the ones I received:
- CanConnected (2017): This is Canada’s largest education technology conference running for four days. Over 2000 participants and Exhibitors come together every year to share best practices of education in technology.
- Education on Air (2016): Google for Education became one of the most powerful tools online offering teachers numerous advantages on becoming paperless. I was very interested in their products and already been using in many different ways. On December 3, Saturday, between 12 and 7 PM, I attended their sessions, workshops and learned a lot.
- Edmodocon (2014 – present): is a great online platform for educators and students. Every year in August, they offer online webinars that start at 7 AM and ends at 7 PM. Since 2014, I have never missed their webinars and learned a lot from them.